
Looking outward together in the same direction

About the Embers

We're freaking awesome.  We have 200  pounds of pets in various shapes, sizes, and temperaments.  We live in the boonies, but have more computational power than NASA had to launch the Hubble Telescope.  N3RDSFTW.  Gun toting, weight lifting, MMORPG gaming, PNW outdoorsy, amateur foodies.
G is currently working for the local rodeo throwing bails of hay...or not.  Actually he hangs out at the computer surfing Facebook and watching movies/TV on Netflix and Hulu (on one screen) while managing servers for cloud services on another.
Due to her current state up unemployment, E has had no choice but to pole dance at local truck stops for pocket change and enter hot dog eating contests on the weekends to pay the bills.  Just kidding, well sort of.  While she has considered these options, she continues to try the conventional forms of employment associated with a Masters in Teaching Secondary Education.
Moses is recently down one tooth and enjoys whimpering like a Chihuahua in the backyard as if he is abused simply because there is a stiff breeze and a light mist.
Riley is STILL German and likes getting XM radio on his satellite dish ears, while barking at everything: "Ah ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO!"
Booger is fat.
Milo is a tiny cow-gerbil-cat hybrid.
Sebastian is Oriental, oops I mean Asian.  Er, Thai.  Whatever, he's good at math and making slanty-eyed faces.
Oh, and also, we're engaged :)

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